Category Archives: bebé arianna

all about Aria; photos of Arianna

Your Morning Cup of #Inspiration: Arianna’s Masterpiece

Look you guys! My Arianna painted this masterpiece with the Crayola Paint & Create app using her Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Apptivity iPad case. How appropriate for the end of summer, huh?!

By this time next year, we’ll be on the beach soaking in the sun and dipping our toes in wet sand. And since she’ll be a toddler then, I’ll be running behind her the whole time. Oh, life’s so stinking sweet with a beautiful baby girl that fills my heart with joy + love.



#VOTE for Arianna In The Gerber Generation Photo Search 2012

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend.

Last month, I entered my beautiful and adorable daughter, Arianna in The Gerber Generation Photo Search 2012. I’d love it if you would please VOTE for her. You can vote everyday until September 24th.

Click here to Vote
Her entry number is 307320

Thank you very much for your time! xoGlor

#Zara Baby For My Baby

After I read this post on my friend, Kellie’s blog (Le Zoe Musings), I was inspired me to go shopping for baby at

For baby Arianna, I purchased…

1. Bolero w/metallic button
2. Structured Bermuda shorts
3. Short sleeve t-shirt

Baby girl clothes are super adorable, and white is effortlessly clean and classic. Shopping experience at is probably one of the best online buying experiences I’ve had in a while. Thanks, Zara team!

Thanks for the inspiration, Kels! xoGlor

Let’s Play! How to Raise a Happy Baby

#OOTD: DVF kids print leggings from GapBaby & neon green onesie by Oshkosh B’gosh

OK, so one of the things I’ve learned as new mom is that when you have a baby, you will eventually find yourself acting silly and making silly faces + noises to appease your baby. Entertaining a baby is no small feat. Your toys of choice not only has to balance educational features with hand + eye coordination, it also has to keep their attention for more than 5 minutes! And it that doesn’t work, well, you’ll have to just make a fool of yourself so baby can get a laugh. My little one loves it when I make hurt sounds as she pulls on my hair, or make weird noises with my throat, she loves that one.

Baby Arianna is turning 9 months in less than a week, and well, we’ve noticed that she needs more to play with than the countless Fisher-Price toys her dad has purchased. She gets bored easily now and need more items like, say, my cell phone, laptop, remote, the doggie food bowl+bed, or the weirdest one: plastic water bottle. I don’t understand why she’s so fascinated with the damn thing! I mean, she’ll literally fight us for it. AND, she’ll whine until she gets her hands on it. Does your child do this?

She did it again last night and I started to think, how can we entertain her? What else can we possibly do to keep her out of the doggie food bowl or bed? So I found this list of weekly activities for baby’s first year thanks to Here’s their suggestion for activities for 9 months old. I’ll be trying them with Arianna so stay tuned…

9 months old

If you have any suggestions, please share!


What’s Your Secret Superpower?

I’m a mom …to a wonderful, confident, happy little girl!




Thanks Plinky for asking the question!

What’s your secret superpower?


Your Afternoon Cup of #FASHION + #Inspiration

Hello lovelies! I couldn’t do one cup of #Fashion or #Inspiration, so I’ve a double shot of fashion fix for you complete with an inspiration boost for your afternoon enjoyment. Do you love me or what? (Say it, say you love me!)

OK, we can talk about your love for me later… So you know how in the fashion world, right now is soooo yesterday and next season is soooo in. So I’m not surprise that design houses and retailers are starting to display fall fashions in store and online. And I know it’s summer, but I’m actually getting super excited about fall and all the cozy hats, scarves, coats, boots. I’m already obsessing about baby winter items, like these berets from H&M baby. I want ALL four colors!

Source: via on Pinterest

Source: via on Pinterest

Ok, by now, you know how much I love a good structured bag. I’m currently obsessing over this one. I need this bag in my life, I do, I really do! 

Source: via on Pinterest

You ever see a dress and you just know you were meant to have it? THIS is that dress for me. I love everything about it!

Source: via on Pinterest

Your Morning Cup of #Fashion



Source: via on Pinterest

Your Afternoon Cup of #Inspiration: J’aime Paris!


I love keepsake storage boxes. In fact, I love any type of storage bins + boxes in different sizes, shapes and designs. My obsession with storage boxes went up a few notches when I became mommy because I wanted to find one-of-a-kind keepsake boxes for preserving priceless tangible memories.

I found these boxes are Marshall’s when I was still pregnant and I knew immediate what I’d use them for. They’re in Arianna’s walk-in closet and they hold her baby clothes (the one she wore home from the hospital), onesies, cute little socks + hats, etc.




With the small box, I thought I’d use it to store all of her greeting cards from the baby shower, and any she gets along the way. Her first birthday invitation, including all of the bands with our names and her date of birth from the hospital. Including money gifted to her from her grandma and friends of mine.





These boxes are her very own personal ‘treasure chests’ full of many priceless memories + love that she’ll get to look through when she gets older.

Till next time Lovelies, xoGlor

Last Night…



I came home to this in the middle of our living room yesterday.

Fact: Arianna can CRAWL.
Fact: Huge milestone.
Fact: we’re very, very excited.

What does this all mean? We need to child-proof the condo, like yesterday.

I’m multitasking: writing this post on the treadmill, which by the way I had to sneak out because baby Arianna and her Daddy were napping. They looked soooooo cute. I’m watching Serena Williams play at Wimbledon. She’s in shape, man! Anyway, back to working out.

Have a fantastic Saturday. xo, Glor.