Tag Archives: Nutrition and Diet

Diet Rehab: Stop Your Junk Food Cravings in 28 Days!

Hello, hello dream lovers! Please check-out my featured article on ModernMom.com! Please comment + follow, thanks a bunch!


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My Sunday Morning Cup of #INSPIRATION

Good morning dream lovers!

As most of you know I had a baby girl seven months ago and I’ve been trying to lose the baby weight. I’ve been eating right: fruits and veggies, Greek yogurt, almonds, beans and lots of green veggies; and working out three days per week. I don’t have the resources of celeb moms like Nicole Richie, Kate Hudson, or Jessica Alba and I certainly can’t drop the lbs. as fast as Beyonce. But I am trying to fit regular workout routine into my very busy working mommy schedule.

This morning, I went jogging + power walking for an hour w/Jolie and I feel great. Working out post-baby is probably one of the hardest part about my journey through mommyhood. It’s not at all easy, but you know, I have to do it for my health and for my daughter. I have to do it because I can’t give up now. Same goes for you all–don’t ever give up, not now…not ever!


Helping To Change The World, One Podcast At A Time

You know I don’t talk about my job as often as I’d like even though I really should because it’s a big part of my life. I really feel as though I am helping to make a difference in the life of someone suffering from a chronic disease and illness.

I have been working for Community Health Charities of America since Summer 2008, and in that time I have worked on several  key web / online services tools that has helped strategically placed our organization in front of key corporate partners who are involved in workplace giving campaigns all around the country. Albeit that I may forget how the tools I build is making an impact in our short and long term strategic plans as an organization, I don’t forget the lives of men, women and children that we’re impacting everyday.

One of my key responsibilities as the National Senior Coordinator of Web / Communications is to disseminate video podcasts to several online video sharing sites like iTunes, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo, DailyMotion, Veoh, Blip.TV, ICYou.com, etc. The video podcasts focuses on key health information on different chronic diseases and illnesses. Experts, volunteers, and representatives from our member charity organizations from likes of doctors, scholars, and research scientist are featured in the podcasts discussing issues from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, H1N1, seasonal flu, men’s health, alcohol, stress and depression.

Today, we are spotlighting the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. (LFA), as Dr. Christopher Collins, volunteer representative from the foundation discusses the history—what is and how lupus was discovered; symptoms and treatment; new research findings about the disease and drugs, and advocacy initiatives. Visit http://ow.ly/3pKAu to watch the Video Podcast Now! To learn more about Lupus Foundation (LFA), visit www.lupus.org.

Since I don’t do this often, I thought it would be a great idea to share this with you, so you too can share with your friends and families. In my opinion, education and information sharing is just as powerful as drugs used to treat any chronic disease or illness. It is the power of information that educates and inform people about the signs and symptoms of diseases that could and does in some cases save lives. I hope that you join me in sharing this information amongst your peers.

Do you or someone you know suffer from a chronic disease or illness? Are you a caregiver or do you know someone who is a caregiver for some with lupus or other chronic disease or illness? Please share your comments / questions below.
