Tag Archives: Bottle Feeding

Baby First Year: Bottle Feeding

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “breastfeeding infants for up to 6 months versus 4 months actually help to decrease risk of respiratory tract infection.”  So when I was pregnant, I knew Arianna would be breastfed. Breastfeeding is such a bonding experience between mother and child that not doing was not an option. What I was not expecting to happen was my LO not taking a bottle. I was a little take aback by how much she rejected the bottle. I had always assume that all babies, including mine, eat from the bottle with little or no issues at all. Apparently, I was wrong and Arianna is showing me she is definitely the boss around here!

I tried Gerber Good Start Protect…

… I tried Enfamil, she didn’t like this either, so …

I tried Similac Advance

After trying all three formulas with no success, I started to look at other factors. So I tried nipples from different brands– Playtex, to Gerber, to Avent and bottles from Playtex Ventaire baby bottle system, and the first years Breastflow system bottles, which is supposed to be “perfect for breastfed babies!” I’ve also tried mixing breast milk with formula (I mixed 1oz of breast milk and 1oz of formula). None of these work. I will regroup and write a follow-up post to let you know if I am successful at bottle feeding.

How did you get your LO to take to bottle feeding?